Keeping track of daily expenses is a bit time consuming, but it certainly gives clarity to a person: where did the money go? If you are often left broke and wondering at the end of the month, it is a good time to get started with tracking your personal finances.
Before you make drastic changes you can start by recording and tracking your daily, weekly ormonthly expenses.
Here are five free apps that will help not only in expenses or income tracking, but some will even allow setting budgets, or give reminders about due bills. You can find all these apps on Google Play Store.
Before you make drastic changes you can start by recording and tracking your daily, weekly ormonthly expenses.
Here are five free apps that will help not only in expenses or income tracking, but some will even allow setting budgets, or give reminders about due bills. You can find all these apps on Google Play Store.
This information gets marked as cash expense if it doesn't match with the items in the credit card statement. Time-related expenses can also be added. For those who ride or drive, the app can use GPS for tracking the mileage of the vehicle. You can also submit your bills via email. All the expenses can be synced to create reports for analysing your personal financial situation.
Toshl Finance
The bills organiser acts as the reminder service for pushing alerts about bills that are due soon. While travelling, the foreign currency converter along with a daily exchange rates chart makes it easy to keep track of the money spent outside the country. Finally, the entire personal financial data can be analysed using graphs and infographics.
Daily Expense Manager
The Expenses can be viewed by date, month, payment and even category. Reminders can be created for weekly and monthly income-expenses. It is a simple app for users who just want a quick record.
Expense Tracker Plus
The app also tracks savings from the incomes received and reflects that on the home screen of the app. Users get control to edit the date, time and categories while feeding income or expense data.
Categories can be customised to enter more accurate information. The data can be exported as qif or csv information to be analysed over the desktop. Add images of the bills and receipts.
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